Freelance Writing and Niche Blogging Tips #1

As a newbie freelance writer and niche blogger, I read tons of articles, websites, blogs and books about this topic. The number of tips can be overwhelming, though, and I totally get it if you don’t have the time and energy to pick the most useful tips from this mass. So I thought, I will do it for you! I’ll collect the best freelance writing and niche blogging tips I come across and present it to you in a new blog post series. So, here are the 5 best freelance writing and niche blogging tips I found last week:

Freelance writing productivity hacks

If you are a slow writer, you might think your freelance writing career is doomed from the start, but that’s not true. There are many ways to get the writing done faster and thereby increase your productivity.

Carol gives some great tips in her article, but in my experience, the most important one is to stop editing as you go. Just write and don’t stop your writing flow with looking up grammar rules, synonyms, quotes, links et cetera. Just write!

Diversify your online income

Although her article is lengthy and consists of a long list of resources, the bottom line is something I totally agree with: “Your eggs should never be in one basket”. Meaning you need to diversify your (online) income so you’re not dependent on only one income stream. This is the reason I want to combine freelance writing and niche blogging ánd have 4 websites instead of only 1.

In need for some ideas to make money online? Check Lauren’s extensive list of online income ideas.

How to Raise Your Freelance Writing Rate

One of the things I find very difficult is to set and eventually raise my rate. I have been doing some freelance writing gigs for one client this last year, but when is the right moment to raise my fee? And how? Elna Cain urges you to raise your rate now, because, in the end, it will lead to more jobs. Sounds crazy right? She explains it thoroughly in her blog post about the things you need to raise your freelance writing rate.

How to Be a Freelance Writer: Skip These 10 Embarrassing Mistakes

We all make mistakes. At least, I do. So did Marian Schembari when she started her freelance writing career. She wrote a post about it on The Write Life and although it is already from February, it is of course still relevant. For example, she didn’t put aside tax money, she didn’t prioritize personal projects and she didn’t pay any attention to her own internal biorhythm. Learn from her mistakes!

How to grow your Pinterest followers

Social media… oh boy, I hate and love it, simultaneously. I love Twitter now that I understand how it works. Facebook too. But Pinterest? I just don’t really get it. But to be a successful niche blogger, I think I don’t really have a choice. Elna – the same from the above tip about raising your freelance rate – launched a new website around six months ago and she’s been able to grow her number of Pinterest followers enormously. She wrote about this in detail on her new blog Twins Mommy and I’m definitely going to use her tips for my own Pinterest strategy!

Which tip do you find most useful? Are you going to implement some of these?



Comments 2

  1. Elna Cain | Freelance Writer November 10, 2016
    • Nanouk November 20, 2016

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