Traveling the world as a digital nomad is not only for the 20-somethings without kids. You might wonder, though, how to set up a location independent life when you have a house, job, and kids of school age.

Is it easy? No, not at all. Will you have sleepless nights from time to time? Definitely! But it is totally worth it!

But it is totally worth it! How to begin then?

You might feel overwhelmed with all the ‘how to become a digital nomad’ guides on the internet, complemented with beautiful pictures of tanned people sitting with their laptop on the beach (uh, sand, not a good combo) or sipping cocktails in a hammock.

Here comes the reality check: it’s not all roses.

But if you are motivated, flexible and willing to take life as it comes, then a nomadic lifestyle with your family is absolutely amazing!

Start your journey by reading my free ebook about how to become a digital nomad when you have kids: